Loan Against College Property
When an individual takes loan against school property from bank or NBFC to improve the infrastructure and quality of education of the school to meet the growing expectations and requirements of the parents, students and regulatory authorities is called loan against school.
When an individual is running a private school or college on his owned property and want to improve infrastructure, education quality, new teaching technology, sports activity, library, lab, amenities in the school, etc. It requires a large amount of investment.
Benefits of Loan Against School Property are as follows :
- Renovation of the school : If you want to renovate your school. You can take loan against school property from bank or NBFC to renovate the school.
- Purchase of land & building for the school : If you want to open a new branch of the school or you want to buy adjacent land with the school or you want to build a new building in the same school to improve the infrastructure of the school then you can take loan against school property from bank or NBFC to purchase of land & building for the school.
- Purchase of furniture and fixture for the school : If you want to purchase, bench, chair, table, air conditioner, fan, exhaust fan, etc for the school then you can take loan against school property from bank or NBFC to buy furniture and fixture for the school.
- Purchase of sports goods and lab equipments for the school : If you want to buy sports goods and lab equipment for the school, you can take loan against school property from bank or NBFC to fulfill the school requirement.
- Improve the goodwill of the school Schools are being evaluated by parents, students and other regulatory authority by the infrastructure and other amenities being provided by the school. To improve the infrastructure and amenities in the school you can take loan against school property from bank or NBFC and thus increases the goodwill of the school.